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Obama Chia Pet Pulled from Shelves
Looks as if President Obama's high approval ratings are going to outlast his time on store shelves and might we add, thankfully.Walgreens stores in Tampa and Chicago have opted to pull the "Chia Obama" from store shelves after customers expressed concerns to management that the plants were racist.
According to Walgreens spokesman Robert Elfinger, store managers have the right to choose what will and will not be sold in store. But, after company management received complaints, the plants were removed.
Both sides seem to maintain reasonable arguments -- yes, it resembles an afro but then again, Homer Simpson's Chia Pet has the same hair do. And let's remember, he didn't have hair to begin with. Would Marge have been offended that Homer was depicted with a full head of hair?
Chia Obama will still be sold at chiaobama.com should you really want one for your home.
So what do you think? Is the "Chia Obama" offensive? Do you secretly want one?
I don't get what is offensive about it, like...at all.
I think that's absolutely rediculous. People make outrageous products that are more offensive than a chia pet. I don't think it's racist, and it seems a very trivial thing to whine about.
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