Saturday, May 2, 2009

"I like you a lot," Meg

Man oh man, can it possibly be May already? My recent trip back home has made me totally oblivious to the passage of time.

Here are some highlights of my trip:
  • DADDY and all the spoilage
  • Playing with Ian and Meg
  • Chinese-style crab with all the fixings
  • Visiting my mom's 3rd grade class and pumping them up for college
  • Dim-sum
  • Using my mom's back massage chair
  • Sushi-mon & Trader Joes with mom
  • Walking along the Silver Springs trail with mom
  • Seeing my Rae-Rae and meeting her new boo (I give my stamp of approval!)
  • My rental car, a trusty Chevy Cobalt
  • Town Square-Sephora, H&M
  • A $2.50 laptop case at CostPlus World Market
  • Pho
  • Late night jok run with my dad
  • Going to a translation appointment with my dad and seeing him work his linguistic magic
  • Late night convo with my big brother
  • 牛肉面,饺子,猪耳朵
  • Golden Spoon
  • being void of all responsibility for one week
I'm not quite sure how I'm supposed to pick up where reality left off but I'm sure the advent of spring term will help with that. Going back to work yesterday also helped. I heard a great joke at work and I'm going to shamelessly blog it:

People said that pigs would fly if we ever got a Black president. Well folks, Barack Obama is our president and pigs flew.

Get it!??!?! Pigs flew=swine flu?!?!?? I know you're ROFLing right now, don't even lie. Harry shared this one with me yesterday:

Why don't seagulls live by the bay?

Because then they'd be bagels!

How I do love me a corny joke. For all you BYU students, be sure to use one of those during your obligatory Saturday night date.



Anonymous said...

it sounds like you had a lot of fun!

VUEDOO said...

I love this!
"People said that pigs would fly if we ever got a Black president. Well folks, Barack Obama is our president and pigs flew."

foreveryoung said...

I used the massage chair today. It was definately worthy of making the list. That Meg is seriously so cute!

foreveryoung said...

PS-I did see that Pike video thing at BYU and ever since then I wanted to catch a fish there. Now I can check it off my bucket list.

ni de di di said...

Jessica, my last message had an error, so I'm afraid that it didn't go through.

It's me. Haven't contacted you in a while. You might not know who I am through this message, but I assure you, you know me. This message is of vital importance. You're the only one that can deliver this message to Allen, Jason, and Andrea. I couldn't reach anyone else but you. Dad's in big trouble (financially). I can't help because I'm kinda broke. I can't talk to you here, the screens have ears/eyes. You must contact me at From there I can disclose this message of utmost importance. I made this anonymous e-mail just for this occasion. I can only disclose this vital informaiton if you promise not to tell dad I am going to tell you this. I don't want him to know that I'm helping him. He has some resentment to me and I want it to stay that way.