Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Some old musings...

by yours truly. These summer days have not been condusive to a regular blogging schedule. So today I'm going to be a sell-out and give you a taste of what I was like two years ago.

-you cannot get on me for not blogging in awhile, I think this is enough reading material to last a couple weeks!

By the way, I really liked using ellipses back in the day. I suppose I still do...;)

January 15, 2007

I can count the number of blogs I have authored on my hand, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I’m exempt from the charge of being highly fickle. Each blog possesses some sort of tone in which I tire of very quickly…usually a year or so and I find myself tossing the entire thing by the wayside. Past blogs have been oh so very dark and cryptic, I use writing as my cartharis, but I want to expand my writing to incorporate something futher. Something airy, flitting…and dare I say it…ditzy at times? So I extend a welcome to *blog name has been removed*. I ditched in an effort to make the writing process a bit easier. is a labyrinth. I’m considering moving some previous posts to this domain…but we shall see.

I truly have a love-hate relationship with my writings. Many that are close to me can probably attest to this…they see my frustration when I have to write a term paper or some sort of required mumbo-jumbo. I am so torn because I enjoy writing…but with each graded essay or seemingly necessarily synopsis lest I fall over a cliff and die…I find myself enjoying it less and less. I cannot be coerced into writing. The writing process…the process in which I formulate ideas and eventually put them into some sort of cohesive…slightly intelligible form…well I can’t explain it… I don’t understand it…nor do I try to. Its just part of the mystery behind the art…an artform I can’t seem to get enough of…and yet…sometimes it seems like I have indefinite writiers block . Oh great…I’m getting cryptic again…or maybe just confusing.

I’m not too fond of punctuation. My thoughts don’t tend to have much of an ending…at least not one that I’m aware of so I tend to use quite a few ellipses because they are the closest thing I can get to being illegit but still legit.

I’ve been meaning to post for quite some time…but I haven’t been techno-savvy enough to figure out some technicalities…finally with this new server I am sincerely hoping that blogging will not be such an ordeal. I have some good ones coming up…my favorite being entitled My Big Fat Chinese Nose. OOOH…titillating.

Well its time for my 10 hour nap. Stay tuned.

Now here’s for the ditzy part,



January 26, 2007

This is Jessica’s Nanjing Study Abroad 2007 application. I consider it one of my lower quality works but I’ve concluded that I can’t always be on top of my game. Enjoy.

While it is true that I have chosen to minor in Chinese, I consider my minor more than the mere choice to specialize in a certain this or that. I chose to minor in Chinese so that I might send a message to others that I consider my cultural heritage an intrinsic, indispensable part of me. My Chinese ancestry is an integral part of my identity. I have devoted much of my life in the pursuit of discovering what being a member of the Chinese community entails, and what responsibility I have to uphold a vast and marvelous heritage. My heritage has been a main impetus in deciding my future career goals. Since involving myself in politics at the age of 16, I have noticed a disproportionate number of Asian Americans in political positions. Following the attainment of my bachelor’s degree, I will attend law school and go further pursue a career within the realms of politics. I want to be the voice of a people that currently has very little voice in the arena of American government. I also want to work heavily with Sino-American relations and the Nanjing experience will further help me to understand Chinese ideology. I want to know what influences Chinese beliefs and practices and how these practices have evolved with time.

Being blessed with the opportunity to take part in two cultures, has given me a unique perspective. I believe that one should not merely be a recipient of culture, but also a purveyor of culture. For the majority of my life, I have been a recipient and I have indulged myself in learning as much as I could about both American and Chinese culture. I heard the sounds of both English and Chinese resounding throughout my household; I ate a myriad of foods ranging from chicken feet to Happy Meals. I read Steinbeck on Mondays and Mah on Tuesdays. I played both Mahjong and Monopoly with friends. I participated in Chinese Dance while doing tap and jazz on the side. But I know there is more out there. It is time that I share with others the experiences I have had being an American born Chinese. How much more edified and enriched my life and others lives can become as we come together, each offering our own cultural paradigm. I want to be the Chinese American girl that is not afraid to talk to the natives of Nanjing, the girl who is not afraid to laugh and cry with my Chinese brothers and sisters. I want to be the girl on the steps of Nanjing university, answering questions about America, while asking questions of my own regarding Chinese history, culture, religion, philosophy. I will be the precocious American girl that is not afraid to ask why, in very much improved Chinese might I add, the girl who is not afraid to go out on a limb and explore China as it has never been explored before.

January 31, 2007


I will admit that the actual admittance process was incredibly trepedatious…I spent the majority of today moping about trying to plan out what the rest of my life what be like without China in its midst. I know I’m sounding incredibly melodramatic…but there is a story behind it…a good one in fact…and it will have to wait until later days.

sorry to leave you at a cliffhanger…but while you’re waiting…you can write a comment or two about how wo de zhongwen fachang hao.

Ah yes…now for that little anecdote that was supposed to supplement my acceptence to Nanjing post.

Yesterday morning I decided to visit Jo Laoshi to see if my application papers were in order. Little did I know that an interview was to ensue. I sat in the hot seat…totally oblivious and not quite sure if our conversation was to be counted as “the interview.”

Jo Laoshi’s Interview:

(not entirely verbatim but pretty close)

Question 1: Do you have to go this year???

Answer: [flustered and entirely taken aback] Um, no. But I’ve heard you’re the best to go with…from many a person…so I want to go with the best. Are you going to take a group next year?

Jo Laoshi’s response: No I’m not going next year. I can’t take everyone, and I don’t want to hurt anyones feelings.

Question 2: Did your doctor say you can travel?

Answer: I’ve never asked my doctor if I could travel, but I’ve never had any problems.

Question 3: Will you respect China’s culture? I once took a girl to Tibet and she started screaming when she saw a cockaroach.

Answer: We have cockaroaches in Las Vegas.

Question 4: Can you deal with the conditions of China? The girl’s bathrooms aren’t very nice.

Answer: My desire to go is strong enough that I believe that I can get past any feelings of disgust. My mom doesn’t think I can handle it because she asked me a million times if I knew what its really like. I think I’ve psyched myself out…I know its going to shock me initially. In fact, I envision a typical Chinese bathroom to contain a sludge of fecal matter strewn about on the walls and dry, brittle corn cobs to be used as toilet paper. See, I know what I’m getting myself into. (I like the last two sentences but i don’t think Jo Laoshi would’ve. been as keen.)

Question 5: Will you promise me that you won’t talk while I’m talking? PROMISE ME PROMISE ME PROMISE ME!

Answer: Yes, I promise.

Jo Laoshi’s response: I’m taking 30 students so I can’t have 30 students talking while I’m talking. It will be too hard to control. I’m like a mother, I want control.

Question 6: repeat #5

Question 7: repeat #5

Question 8: repeat #5

Jo Laoshi’s closing words: We’ll contact you if you are accepted. You’ll get an email within the next week.

My closing thoughts: Don’t beat around the bush…you don’t want me to go. Jessica and Adam were told on the spot that they were accepted…obviously you have some reservations…but I wish you would be frank with me about them.

11-4:50 pm: Moping

4:51 pm: I approach Jo Laoshi. I told her up front that I knew she usually tells people if they were accepted at the interview. I wanted to know why I hadn’t been. She told me that I had and started laughing. I felt like a dope. She explained that at first she didn’t want to take me because of her first classroom encounter with me in which I was talking while she was talking. I apoligized and told her that it was the first day and I was trying to do a bit of networking. She said that after the first day she never had a problem with me. After considering this for a bit, she told me she had a good feeling come over her. My papers were submitted shortly after.

February 7, 2009

I am so immensely grateful for dear friends such as Xaviera. I have friends that will listen to my incessant chatter…even if some things are in fact…a bit inconsequential, friends that consider my acceptance to Nanjing reason enough to celebrate, friends that will bring me breakfast at 7 am in the morning before my impending exam, friends that assist in the babysitting of my nieces and nephew…even amist tears and ear-splitting screams, friends that will tolerate my often caustic sarcasm…while often dishing their own and keeping me forever on my toes, friends that never cease to love me…even with all of my faults. WAH! I am so blessed!!! SO BLESSED!

While giving a visting teaching message (yes visiting teaching is now a priority for me post R.S. Secretary calling) I mentioned the importance of being an instrument in the Lord’s hands. I have witnessed the way in which the Lord has operated through his servants. I think to the time when I was reluctant to rejoin the ranks of BYU, what would my life consist of now had I not returned? My many friendships with those at this university would be nonexistent, missed opportunities, dormant companionships that never had a chance to come to fruition. A dear friend brought me back to this university, many a dear friend recommended my current major…in which I find much satisfaction in, and a dear friend is currently helping me sort through my life. It is these dear friends that exemplify Christ in all his mercy and compassion, in all his wisdom, love and grace. It is their outstretched arms that remind me what it feels like to be in His.

March 7, 2007

Today I played the sickling…and not a fake sickling, but a totally legitimate sickling. For all those that believe I am faking, I will do the honor of vomiting in your lap. Harry was, not unusually so, the highlight of my day. Since I am well aware that he now takes a gander at my blog I will have to be more careful as to what I say about him. Chinese won’t suffice as he too is learner of the Chinese language. BAH!

Harry and I crafted (and by Harry and I, I mean just me) the most brilliant story as to how we met. These stories are often necessary post marriage, almost an initiation rite for newly married couples entering a ward. Here’s how the story goes:

Both Harry and I felt an innate void within our lives. A deep, dark, void that we couldn’t fill no matter how hard we tried. We both had the desire to know about our roots, our culture-where we came from. In doing so, we not only filled a void within our minds, but a void within our hearts.

Translation: Harry and I met in Chinese class.

Nausea is back. Later days.

March 27, 2007

I just did something incredulous. I vacuumed my Ipod. By the time I realized what was going on it was too late and one of my headphones had been mercilessly ripped out of its socket…gah! What the fudge!?!?!??! Now only one earphone works!!! Well…whatever…its not like I’m fond of hearing both sides of anything. bah!

Why no reason blog activity, you may be inquiring of me. It is because, as my neice so aptly put it, I am a lovebug. Trust me, the girl is not lying, she wrote it on her art desk in big black letters. JESSICA LOVES HARRY. JESSICA IS A LOVEBUG. Kids are pretty intuitive. Their frankness and intuitivity can make for some awkward situations. Good thing Harry already knows.

I’ve been sacrificing quite a bit in order to feed my Harry addiction. Sleep probably tops the list. My lack of sleep has been affecting my performance in every other facet of life as well. This doesn’t seem in the least bit logical. If we truly loved each other…would we be subjecting each other to a life of sleep-deprivation coupled with obsessive behavior and counterproductive behaviors? The funny thing is, no one ever enumerates the less so glamorous side of love…in fact, being in love can be considered comprable to mental illness. Your seratonin levels drop, dopamine levels increase…your body is all out of sorts and yet…


April 10, 2007

Oddly enough, I feel inclined to fill one of these out.

1. What are you looking forward to?

2. Is it harder to be rejected or to reject someone?

Rejected, definitely. I can’t deny that it is difficult to reject someone, but at least when you reject someone you are somewhat in control, and it is therefore easier to deal with. Being rejected is entirely out of your control, you have no idea what the other parties’ real intent or motive was. You only have questions without any answers.

3. What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school?
Whatever my mom put in, so usually oldies and classical

4. What is the best thing about your current job?

The people, and by the people I am NOT referring to the missionaries

5. Do you wish cell phone etiquette was a required class?

Not necessarily, but I can tell you this: I loathe people that say they will call you back and never do, or people that let the conversation die but don’t have the decency to hang out, also people that don’t give you their full attention during the conversation, myself included. It also bothers me when a boyfriend doesn’t let me hang up first or is too quick to hang up the phone, also when the bf talks on the phone while we’re on a date or something of that nature.

6. What’s the last thing you drank?

Sonic Limeaid
7. Name one thing that makes you squirm.

Laughing at someone just to humor them even if their joke crashed and burned.

8. Where are you going on your next vacation?
9. Have you ever thrown up from working out?

10. Are most of the friends in your life new or old?
Mostly new

11. Have you ever gotten so wasted you didn’t know what was going on?

12. Do you like pulp-y orange juice?
No, pulp is healthy but I’d rather die young than drink it

13. Are you touchy feely?
Depends on the day, with most of my girlfriends I am

14. Did you cry at your high school graduation?
Wasn’t in attendence, though I did graduate…don’t worry, just wanted to skedaddle off to college so badly

15. Do you prefer the tanning bed or the sun?
I don’t tan but I do like laying out in the sun

16. What are two of your favorite places to eat?
Pho and Noodle Palace

17. What could you tolerate…someone who snores or a sleep walks?
I can do sleepwalking. I cannot tolerate snoring and I have many a time woken up another person to complain about their snoring. ie. Rae and Harry

18. Do you consider yourself bi-polaR?
YES, vey much so

19. What’s something your friends make fun of you for?
My obsession with finding “Asian friends.” I will introduce myself to individuals for the sheer reason that they are asian or an ABC.

20. What’s your worst personality flaw?
I get sad extremely easily and I tend to be a cynic.

21. What’s your favorite type of soup?
West Lake Beef Soup (the Chinese do it right, what can I say!)

22. Would you ever parachute off of a plane?
probably not

23. Have you ever ridden an elephant?
No, though I look forward to the day!

24. Are you Irish in any way?
Probably not.

25. Have you ever ridden in a U-Haul?

26. Do you like to play Scrabble?
On the occasion. The last game was played with Elliot, it was a game for the books!

27. Have you ever been to a nude beach?

28. Have you ever drank Jack Daniels?

29. Have you ever had sex on the beach?

30. What are you saving your money up for right now?

31. What was the last gift card you received?
BYU Bookstore , for winning Best Stage Manner at a Chinese Speech Competition. har har.

32. Who do you like right now?

33. Does the number of people a person’s slept with affect your opinion of him or her?

34. Do you give money to bums?
If I have money on hand, yes.

35. What do you do when you spot a bug in your house?
Scream and call for the nearest person to annihilate it.

36. What is your favorite Disney movie?
Beauty and the Beast

37. Where were you 1 hour ago?
In my room facebooking or myspacing

38. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

39.What was the last thing that really made you smile?
Harry’s Mac and Cheese debacle

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