Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ron and I need to converse more often...

Jessica: Interracial dating fascinates me.
Ron: The only thing I don't like about it is that, in the long term, it would result in a very boring species. We would all just be coffee-colored.
Jessica: Lol, wow, best comment on interracial dating ever, can i steal it?

Ron: Well, it's a legitimate concern. So many of us like interracial dating because we claim to appreciate variety. But this would lead to an end of variety. LOL...if you want to quote me, you may.


Anonymous said...

Very interesting.. inter-racial dating.. It's whatever. This all comes down to, two people and their feelings towards one another. Labeling a person is a very important thing to do.. ie: murderer, cheater, an honest person, rapist, a trust-worthy individual.. White? Asian? Indian? When looking for a person to date, you need to decide what "labels" are the deciding factors. If race is a deciding factor, then maybe you should date within your own race. If not, then keep your options open. In the end, there is no right or wrong answer, just feelings, emotions and opinions.

Anonymous said...

Austuny i like your comment. You r so smart.

foreveryoung said...

coffee colored is better than pasty white and freckley. Trust me, I know.