Monday, August 24, 2009

Severe writer's block...

has inflicted me with the wrath of a thousand....yep there goes my writer's block again. Feel free to give me suggestions as to what the "wrath of a thousand" should be followed by because I am at a serious loss for words. I am trying to finish up a few drafts that have been left by the wayside but so far no luck. Sometimes I feel this insatiable urge to write but tonight my appetite is non-existent. Maybe my muse took a vacay this week too. In any case, muse or no muse, the words aren't a flowing so don't expect any...hmmmmm...I got nothing.

I write this in order to inform my loyal fan base (cough, cough) that I am not MIA. I'm bumbling about in Las Vegas, searching for things to do in a city that never sleeps (I found out everything sleeps except the strip after 10:00 pm). I think about my blog often, and I feel guilty when I'm not entertaining my readers with some ridiculous story about pocketknifes, sushi, and German swear words. Maybe I'm having writer's block because I'm not particularly angry about anything right now (correction: I'm pretty angry about something right now, but it's not public space material). I'm actually pretty chill for once. I'm not angry over race, I'm not angry at BYU, I'm certainly not angry at sushi. Maybe I should be enjoying this time of passivity. I think I'll go draw a picture of a rainbow with me holding hands with a person from every race.


Unknown said...

why u gotta be angry to write something. of all the emotions a human experiences.. whys it gotta be anger. haha. anyways there are so many things u could write about yeah.. i'm pretty sure u got some interesting stories that you've just forgotten about. or write about another feeling.. like annoyance or something.. HAHA ^^

lao tzu said...

great knowledge and philosophies developed in the warring states period.
art and music flowered during unification.
stagnancy resulted from internal insecurities.