Sunday, September 13, 2009

I hate these weird social expectations at BYU...

they are so confining, not to mention stifling beyond reason. For instance, why can't I call up a guy and ask him to hangout with me, without any social repercussions or rumors abounding. No, I am not calling you because I like you, nor should you read into my intentions. I am calling you because I enjoy your company and want nothing more than a platonic relationship with you. I've been meaning to call a certain someone up for the past week, just to have a little tete-a-tete but I fear that he will wonder whether or not I am interested in him. Furthermore, why can't I sit with a guy at church and not expect the entire ward to think that we are now officially a "thing?" On top of that, people now think I'm not "available" because I have a FRIEND sitting next to me during church services. RIDICULOUS! Third dates should not suggest marriage interest. In fact, no date should suggest marriage interest unless it is explicitly stated that you are interested in marrying the person. First dates should not be an indication of interest. Sometimes first dates are the only way to actually get to know a person beyond superficial his and byes. Sometimes it takes a date in order to reserve a time in which you can have a one on one conversation with a person. Sad, but true. Also, you're not a loser if you don't have a date on Friday or Saturday night. Guys, if you genuinely don't feel like asking anyone out on date, don't do it. I would rather stay home and read a book then be a part of someone's obligatory Friday or Saturday night date.

Gah, I so badly wish we could knock down these barriers which impede us from healthy communication. Is it possible to be more open with one another? Or would that lead to a entire breaking down of formalities, protocol and American life as we know it?

If you're wondering how to be more open and communicative, I will pioneer the movement and give you an example to follow:

If you're reading this and wondering if I am interested in you, I am not. In fact, I am not interested in anyone right now.

Whew, that felt good.


Anonymous said...

i guess i'll take this as a "please stop calling me 10x a day and texting me love notes." a subtle hint would have done, but this is also effective... and embarrassing :(

charlie said...

imo, most people generally know if somebody likes them or not. if i have a problem with someone thinking i'm interested with them, i assess my behavior with them. what am i saying to them? can it be misunderstood as flirtatious? am i touching them in a flirtatious manner? am i spending time with them during a time typically reserved for dates? what am i wearing when we hang out? do i kiss them? are we sharing intimate secrets? etc...

if you can answer yes to these questions, i would not be surprised if they think you like them. it's because people aren't stupid. people are cursed with curiosity, and the actions we take lead people to the answers our curiosity asks.

consider your actions before you consider another's response.

V said...

I'm glad I am your platonic boy-girl relationship partner. =)
And I even went to BYU.
Bleh, hangout with whomever you want. And if they suck, you can always hang out with me in Vegas.

Russull said...

Wow, feel that anger! LDS social interactions in general are retarded, not just BYU, it's just less subtle at BYU