The words I yelled at a car who almost turned me into roadkill on the crossroads of 800 North and 200 East. Mind you, the intersection of 800 North 200 East has a stop sign, meaning drivers should be stopping anyways. I frequent the crosswalks of 800 North everyday, usually on my way home from an evening class. I'm usually exhausted after a 2 1/2 hour class, but I immediately perk up when I approach a crosswalk, as I know VERY FEW PEOPLE have the decency or honesty to yield for a pedestrian. That's right, the former-DECENCY-because it's common courtesy to, oh I DON'T KNOW, not kill a person. And the latter-HONESTY-because it is the law. In case you forgot, pedestrians have the right of way in an intersection, an intersection being anywhere two roads cross. Where are these college kids rushing off to anyways? Fat Cats?!??! Maybe I shouldn't assume the populous of wanna-be murderers are only college students. I've looked past the windshields and seen some older people behind the wheel. Though does the fact that I mostly blame college students for almost running me over help or hurt their case? Shouldn't they know better since they too walk the same streets I do? Are their agendas more urgent than your average person's? Do they lack driving experience and maturity?
Provo police recently conducted an experiment in which one of their officers crossed a busy intersection with a shopping cart to see if local drivers would stop for him. Most did not, and the police were ready to pull over those who failed to yield.
Honestly, I think the lack of yieldage for pedestrians is an overall Utah County problem. While driving on I-15 between Provo and Salt Lake I noticed a sign that said something along the lines of "Kill a pedestrian, change your life." They should have put in parentheses, "in a bad way." Maybe it goes beyond Utah County, though if you ask me, Utah County will always be the most dysfunctional place on earth. It's like the very antithesis of Disneyland. Anyways, more Utah County bashing to come at a later time.
Maybe we need to reevaluate how much we appreciate human life. I see cars stopping for the ducks that cross 800 North. These cars stop for ducks, but they won't stop for human beings? You would rather kill a college student returning from an exhausting eight hour day of studying than stop your car for a few seconds and enjoy their stride (it's interesting to note how differently people walk, try it).
By bashing everyone else, I am by no means glorifying myself to the perfect driver who always yields for pedestrians. I admit fault; but I've also made it a personal goal of mine to stop for every pedestrian that crosses my path. A part of stopping for every pedestrian means BEING ALERT and NOTICING the pedestrian as I'm driving. This means not driving distracted and checking twice when I come to an intersection.
I think I'll put in a word to the traffic department and ask for them to put a sign up along 800 North, something along the lines of PEOPLE ARE BETTER THAN DUCKS. Or maybe just a, DON'T KILL PEOPLE will suffice.
do as someone very wise once did, he put rocks in his pockets, and when a car did not yield, he threw it at the car.
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