Friday, February 27, 2009

Just gimme some robo-affection

Let it be known that my boyfriend does the most cutesy things EVER. I'm not bragging...I'm BOASTING.

A little background information: I have the SuperPets application on my (my)space. It somewhat reminds me of when I kicked it old school with my handy-dandy Tamagotchi.
SuperPets allows you to create your own virtual pet. Choices range from your run of the mill puppy (get it, puppy mill?!??!) to your 'it's not even a real animal' dragon. With proper feeding, cleaning, playing, and EVEN tickling you can raise a healthy and thriving virtual pet.


If you squint really hard, (I couldn't increase the size of the screen shot any further), you will notice the feed, tickle, clean, and playdate commands (below the cat). After completing one the commands, you earn coins that you can use to purchase items such as habitats, furniture, and and accessories. The application also make a little dinging noise after your pet finishes a task.

This morning I was feeling a bit down. Harry noticed this and asked me if I needed some affection. The question seemed a bit mechanical, like a robot almost...he didn't ask me if I needed a hug, he asked me if I needed affection.

H: Do you need some affection?
J: (high pictched screech) I'M NOT A ROBOT!

Then Harry began to go through the motions of treating me like I was a SuperPet. He even made the dinging noises after he "cleaned, fed, and hugged me." *Harry thought hug was a command, but it's not. I teased him for that one.

J: (through giggles) I'M NOT A SUPERPET EITHER!

Maybe this is one of those, you just had to be there. Oh well.

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