This post covers the months of December 2010, January 2011, February 2011 and part of March 2011. I'm lacking in fodder, so bear with me as I try to embellish the mundaneness of which they call life.
-I got my heart broken, severely and shockingly so. It majorly sucked. I'm glad that matter has been put to rest. Also insanely grateful for girlfriends who stood by me with towels to mop up the deluge. Love that word, happy for the long-awaited opportune moment to use it.
-Got promoted. This means I can get my hair did. Also my nails. Saving for graduate school is also important.
-I finished my GRE prep course. Let's just say the course indicated that I need to study, so study I shall, eventually.
-I started my position as a Research Assistant for one of UNLV's professors.
-I moved into a house. Pavie barks like a banshee dog in the backyard whenever she hears neighbors. She has mastered the trick of sit pretty which will add to her already impressive trick list of sit, down, up, shake, high five, come, stay, and go pee-pee. Yes, I will accept comparisons to Cesar Milan.
This is how I feel most of the time:

This is what Pavie does most of the time (when she isn't barking at the voices coming from beyond):

Yep, we're doing well.
I'm so excited for your new promotion, and I have a feeling that it's a sign of good things to come after all the crap you've been through! Love ya!
i want more doggie stories!!!!! pavie <3
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