Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Dawn

Post originally written on 3/11/13

It's 1 am and I'm weaving the last threads of a beautifully written manuscript (translation: I just wrote a lengthy paper for school and my mind is reeling with thoughts upon thoughts).  I hear a bird singing a song outside of my window.  My first thoughts, why the hell is a bird singing at 1 o'clock in the morning?  Doesn't it know that sunrise is hours away? I brush it off and mutter something along the lines of "stupid bird".

But the bird is so much smarter then I give it credit for. It knows the dawn is soon.  It knows it better than I do.  This morning the bird was reminding me, "Jessica, the dawn will come, it's so very close."  A much needed reminder that even the darkness is not forever.  My mind quiets and I drift off to sleep.

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