I discovered I don't mind writing essays on the computer for the GRE analytical writing portion. It feels like I'm authoring a blog post. Though I'm not one to enjoy writing by coercion, I became highly engrossed in the topics which were presented to me. I ended up with extra time at the end of the writing portion...time I dearly wish I could've tacked onto other sections of the test. Whatever happened to the concept of rollover minutes? ETS needs to get with the times.
I'm planning to take the test once more because the Asian in me won't quit. First question I posed to myself after the initial elation of seeing my scores went away, "Jessica, the score is good, but is it Asian good?" Gah, ethnic identity be damned! So, they're rolling out a new format of the test which no longer features antonyms or analogies. I wouldn't be surprised if they replaced them with something equally mind-boggling and vexing. Vocabulary is only to be used within context so supposedly with context clues you should be able to determine the meaning of all words. Math will undoubtedly become more difficult as the new test will feature an on-screen calculator. I would rather sacrifice the calculator in order to keep the math at the level that it is. Also, geometry problems are rather difficult to solve when they are presented to you on a computer screen. I'm quite accustomed to writing all over a geometry problem, and I find copying the problem from screen to scratch paper to be a time-waster. I already ordered my prep book for the new GRE format which really begs the question, "Am I studying to master the material, or am I studying to master the format?" Maybe a bit of both.
I decided to make this entry its own entry instead of transitioning to a completely unrelated topic. I do believe I've justified my ramblings concerning the GRE to be its own entry. Plus, it's not like I'm wasting paper or anything. Blogs are green...though I do keep a paper journal, so I guess they balance each other out.
"is it Asian good?" Haha, you kill me! I am totally instilling that in my kids. Glad you managed to survive!
This is what I was really looking for. Thanks very much. Keep up this good work.
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Wow, this is a cool blog
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